Thursday, December 12, 2013

Getting ready for SANTA!

The hubby and I have decided to begin a wonderful tradition for our girls and all of the littles. We will be having a Christmas party for the kids, complete with cookie decorating, kids menu, and a visit from Santa. I am beyond excited about this! Even though this is truly all last minute, I am expecting great results.

I cannot wait for this Saturday and post pictures of all the decor and the happy and sad faces of all the littles when Santa shows up!

Outfits are planned and headbands are in the making! I am still deciding on a few appetizers for the grown ups but other than that I am all done. My craft room is FILLED with things to decorate the littles table.

This is my last week of school before Christmas break and I am feeling a tad bit overwhelmed but in a GOOD way! Saturday morning we will be taking the girls to have breakfast with Santa and Saturday night we are having the Christmas party at our house.  I also have some orders that need to go out next week from my deal, a new deal starting on on Thursday of next week on these AMAZING handmade headband bows for only $3.99 each (reg. $9)! You don't want to miss this deal!
Also on Thursday, I am hosting Bunco at the house, complete with an Ugly Sweater theme and alcohol exchange.
I am also teaming up with Andrea Hauck from Andrea Hauck Photography to come up with some awesome headbands and outfits for upcoming mini photo shoots for a Valentine's and Mardi Gras shoot. (If you are local to Yuma, you don't want to miss these!) So during my break, I will be busy planning and creating away!
I seriously CANNOT wait to spend some time with my beautiful girls. Even though I love my teaching job, nothing compares to spending time with these girls!
(L: Kendall, R: Taylor)
Taking a picture of them together is almost near IMPOSSIBLE!
So here's to a busy non-relaxing, crazy busy, changing diaper, toddler tantrum, party filled, family filled, bow making, headband creating and blog writing 3 weeks off!
(...and maybe I'll get some sleep in between.)
PS. Yesterday's "Dinner with a Flair" was amazeballs! It was thanks to the crock pot and it was Chicken Taco Soup via Is it Really my Life? A MUST try for busy days! You can also find the recipe here! I didn't even take a picture because it was too delicious to wait to eat plus I am drinking green smoothies for breakfast and lunch so I was MORE than ready for some solids!
<3 Stacey

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